Application access to common clinical data set

US Core Implementation Guide (Release 1)

This page is part of the US Core (v1.0.0: STU1) based on FHIR R3. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Definitions, Interpretations and Requirements common to all US Core actors

This section outlines important definitions and interpretations used in the US Core IG. The conformance verbs used are defined in FHIR Conformance Rules.


2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set

The US Core Profiles are intended to meet the 2015 Edition certification criterion for Patient Selection 170.315(g)(7), and Application Access – Data Category Request 170.315(g)(8). They were created for each of the 2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set (CCDS). The Location, Organization, and Practitioner Profiles are not called out specifically in the certification criteria but are included because they are directly referenced by other profiles. Where applicable the US Core Profiles are based on the HL7 U.S. [Data Access Framework (DAF)] FHIR DSTU2 Implementation Guide. However, the requirements per resource are a subset of those of the DAF implementation guide.

The table below lists the US Core Profile and FHIR Resources used for the corresponding 2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set (CCDS) Data elements:

No CCDS Data Element US Core Profile FHIR Resource
(1) Patient Name US Core Patient Profile Patient
(2) Sex US Core Patient Profile Patient
(3) Date of birth US Core Patient Profile Patient
(4) Race US Core Patient Profile Patient
(5) Ethnicity US Core Patient Profile Patient
(6) Preferred language US Core Patient Profile Patient
(7) Smoking status US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile Observation
(8) Problems US Core Condition Profile Condition
(9) Medications US Core Medication Profile, US Core Medication Statement Profile, US Core Medication Request Profile Medication, MedicationStatement, MedicationRequest
(10) Medication allergies US Core Allergies Profile AllergyIntolerance
(11) Laboratory test(s) US Core Result Observation Profile, US Core Diagnostic Report Profile Observation, DiagnosticReport
(12) Laboratory value(s)/result(s) US Core Result Observation Profile, US Core Diagnostic Report Profile Observation, DiagnosticReport
(13) Vital signs Vital Signs Profile (From FHIR Core Profiles for Observation) Observation
(14) (no longer required) -
(15) Procedures US Core Procedure Profile Procedure
(16) Care team member(s) US Core CareTeam Profile CareTeam
(17) Immunizations US Core Immunization Profile Immunization
(18) Unique device identifier(s) for a patient’s implantable device(s) US Core Implanted Device Profile Device
(19) Assessment and plan of treatment US Core CarePlan Profile CarePlan
(20) Goals US Core Goal Profile Goal
(21) Health concerns US Core Condition Profile Condition

Must Support

In the context of US Core, Must Support on any data element SHALL be interpreted as follows:

Referencing US Core profiles

Many of the profiles in this guide reference other FHIR resources that are also US Core profiles. This is defined in the formal profile definitions. For example, US Core Careteam references US Core Patient. For any other references not formally defined in a US Core profiles, the referenced resource SHOULD be a US Core profile if a US Core profile exists for the resource type. For example, although Condition.asserter is not constrained by this guide, the reference to Patient or Practitioner should be a valid US Core Patient or US Core Practitioner.

Using Codes in US Core profiles

Extensible binding for CodeableConcept Datatype

Extensible binding to a value set definition for this IG means that if the data type is CodeableConcept, then one of the coding values SHALL be from the specified value set if a code applies, but if no suitable code exists in the value set, alternate code(s) may be provided in its place. If only text available, then just text may be used.

Extensible + Max-ValueSet binding for CodeableConcept Datatype

For this IG, we have defined the Extensible + Max-ValueSet binding to allow for either a code from the defined value set or text if the code is not available. (for example, legacy data). This means, unlike a FHIR extensible binding, alternate code(s) are not permitted and a text value SHALL be supplied if the code is not available. However, multiple codings (translations) are allowed as is discussed below.

Example: Immunization resource vaccineCode’s CVX coding - the source only has the text “4-way Influenza” and no CVX code.

Required binding for Code Datatype

Required binding to a value set definition for this IG means that one of the codes from the specified value set SHALL be used. If only text is available or the local (proprietary, system) code cannot be mapped to one of the required codes the core specification provides guidance which we have summarized:

  1. Send the resource with the code element empty
  2. Use the DataAbsentReason Extension in the data type
  3. Use the code ‘unsupported’ - The source system wasn’t capable of supporting this element.

Note that when a query uses a status parameter, a status will be ambiguous.

Example: AllergyIntolerance resource with a status that is text only or cannot be mapped to the status value set.

Required binding for CodeableConcept Datatype

Required binding to a value set definition means that one of the codes from the specified value set SHALL be used and using only text is not valid. In this IG, we have defined the Extensible + Max-ValueSet binding to allow for either a code from the specified value set or text. Multiple codings (translations) are permitted as is discussed below.

Using multiple codes with CodeableConcept Datatype

Alternate codes may be provided in addition to the standard codes defined in required or extensible value sets. The alternate codes are called “translations”. These translations may be equivalent to or narrower in meaning to the standard concept code.

Example of multiple translation for Body Weight concept code.

"code": < "coding": [ < "system": "", //NOTE:this is the standard concept defined in the value set// "code": "29463-7", "display": "Body Weight" >, //NOTE:this is a translation to a more specific concept < "system": "", "code": "3141-9", "display": "Body Weight Measured" >, //NOTE:this is a translation to a different code system (Snomed CT) < "system": "", "code": “364589006”, "display": "Body Weight" >//NOTE:this is a translation to a locally defined code < "system": "", "code": “BWT”, "display": "Body Weight" >], "text": "weight" >, 

Example of translation of CVX vaccine code to NDC code.

"vaccineCode" : < "coding" : [ < "system" : "", "code" : "158", "display" : "influenza, injectable, quadrivalent" >, < "system" : "", "code" : "49281-0623-78", "display" : "FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT" >] >, 

Using UCUM codes in the Quantity datatype

Both the Vital Signs Profile and US Core Result Observation Profile bind the valueQuantity datatypes to the UCUM code system. A FHIR UCUM Codes value set that defines all UCUM codes is in the FHIR specification. This guidance specifies how to represent the Quantity datatype when the correct UCUM units are missing or the units are missing altogether which will likely occur in the real world.

UCUM code provided

 "valueQuantity": < "value": 26.0, "unit": "g/mL", "system": "", "code": "g/mL" >

free text units only: - If UCUM units are not available then represent units in the unit element.


no units


Read(Fetch) resource notation:

Interactions on profile pages are defined with the syntax:

GET [base]/[Resource-type]/[id]