State Funded Pre-Kindergarten

A district shall offer PreK if they have identified at least 15 children who meet eligibility requirements and are at least 4 years old. This shall be offered on a full day basis.
A district may offer PreK if they have identified at least 15 children who meet eligibility requirements and are at least 3 years old. This may be operated on a half day basis.

To be eligible for enrollment in a free prekindergarten class,

And they must meet one of the following requirements:

If your child is eligible for Early Childhood Special Eduction (ECSE) services, you may consider placement in a pre-kindergarten program offered in many Texas school districts. School districts may draw on other funding sources to provide a full-day program or open the program to three-year-olds. Additional funding sources may also be used to include preschoolers with disabilities. Some school districts partner with local Head Start programs and community daycare providers.

Pre-Kindergarten programs are designed to help at-risk preschoolers develop the skills they need to be successful when they reach public school. Emphasis is on language development, pre-reading and mathematics, and social skills. Like Head Start, state-funded pre-kindergarten programs can provide the inclusive programming that benefits children both with and without disabilities.

To find out if there is a pre-kindergarten program available in your school district, contact your neighborhood school or your district’s administration office.

Texas Education Agency